Installation and commissioning

Support of installation, startup and field adjustment by high-qualified specialists with expert knowledge of General Electric technologies.

Expertise – a key to success

Installation and commissioning of new gas turbine units is a complex and stressful process if held without proper support. The RGT chief engineers team will guide you through the entire process to provide high level of technical and engineering competence and will ensure safe and high-quality installation, startup and adjustment of your new gas turbine unit.

Meet your goals

  • speed up installation with advanced planning and duly personnel mobilization;
  • constant control of assembly works and equipment by chief engineers;
  • usage of latest procedures based on experience and analysis of recent GE studies to enhance the startup process;
  • on-time completion within budget with verified GT equipment performance and qualified engineers.

Powerful partnership

  • detailed guidance of RGT specialists during the startup planning stage provides an effective work plan;
  • effective information exchange and recommendations from the field supervisor;
  • detailed performance reports;
  • quick response and resolution of any situations.

Meet your startup needs

  • guidance during the work planning;
  • equipment and materials quality control;
  • installation works coordination;
  • proper completion and submission of reports;
  • efficiency testing;
  • coordinating personnel mobilization.

Long-term maintenance services

Russian Gas Turbines and General electric long-term maintenance programs include:

  • maintenance throughout the equipment life cycle;
  • strategic maintenance planning for cost-effective solutions;
  • reliable partnership to eliminate technical and economic risks for the owners.

Construction and recommended maintenance of gas turbine are focused on:

  • maximum possible time between inspections and repairs;
  • field inspections and maintenance;
  • engagement of local specialists for dismantling, inspection, and reassembly.

The gas turbine components requiring the biggest attention from the point of view of their maintenance and repair are hot units exposed to high temperatures, including combustion liners, end caps, fuel nozzles, crossfire tubes, transition pieces, turbine nozzles, turbine blades and buckets. Compressor rotor, turbine rotor, casings and exhaust diffuser, control system components, fuel equipment, auxiliary components of gas turbine, transmission unit and other auxiliary equipment also require regular maintenance.

Maintenance planning

Duly maintenance planning is required for municipal and industrial companies, independent power plants and TPP operators to minimize downtime. Besides, proper regular maintenance and inspections provide direct benefits due to the reduction of forced downtime and enhancement of startup reliability, which in its turn can also reduce unscheduled repairs and downtimes.

6F.03 (6FA) gas turbine inspection

6F.03 (6FA) gas turbine unit operation provides for two types of regular inspections:

  • inspection of hot gas path along with combustion system inspection;
  • major inspection held after double factored fired hours between repairs.


Hot gas path inspection

The purpose of hot gas path inspection is to check the parts exposed to high temperatures of hot gases flow after fuel combustion (over 1260 °C). Hot gas path inspection includes thorough inspection of turbine nozzles, stator rims and rotating buckets of the turbine. Such inspection requires dismantling of the turbine casing upper half.

Alongside, the combustion system is controlled, specifically fuel nozzles, flame tubes, crossfire tubes, spark plug, flame detectors, and the fuel system pipelines of the combustion chamber.

Proper inspection, maintenance and repair of these components ensure longer service life of other components, such as sets of nozzles and rotating buckets of the turbine.

Major inspection

Major inspection includes inspection of all internal rotating and immovable components of gas turbine, from air inlet to exhaust, more specifically inspection of all major components of gas turbine from flange to flange, that are imposed to excessive wear during the normal operation of gas turbine unit.

This inspection comprises all works performed during the combustion chamber and hot gas path inspection with full opening of gas turbine from flange to flange. Dismantling of all casings upper halves provides access to all rotating and immovable blades of the compressor and turbine and to its bearings.

Parts supply planning – necessary spare parts on due time

Technical inspections held within the scheduled time and their efficiency depend on the duly access to the necessary high-quality spare parts.

Russian Gas Turbines LLC supplies its clients with all necessary spare parts for the scheduled inspections, for safety stocks at warehouses, or in case of emergency repair.

The company ensures the shortest possible delivery time of components, shipping them from its own warehouse at the GT assembly plant in Rybinsk and from GE warehousing centers.

High-quality spare parts can reduce operating costs by using more effective and durable components.

Russian Gas Turbines LLC ensures a full scope of logistic services for the customs clearance of spare parts imported from abroad, which allows its clients to avoid additional organizational costs.